Tag: Hass.io

Sensors, Sensors everywhere

It’s been a while since the last update, so I really need to get this update out there before I fall into the trap of not maintaining this website for 2 years again.
Luckily I have not been sitting idle the last months and have been making good progress on my Home Assistant installation (after needing to restart 5 times due to corrupt SD cards, dammit).
Nonetheless, I now have 3 ESPEasy powered sensor boxes.

HomeHub: moving to Home Assistant

We left the HomeHub story running heimcontrol.js with home made plug-ins for the opentherm gateway and RFXcom. I say running but it was crashing all the time. Months passed without running anything, I couldn’t be bothered resetting the node.js application every time it decided to quit on me. Frustrated and disappointed the whole thing was pushed on the I’ll get to it when I feel like it track. In this case it took about a year to do anything else.

Modifying frostmourne

Light it up Since getting my epic weapons replica Frostmourne, a sword from a small indie video game called World of Warcraft, I’ve been slightly annoyed by how little the Ice Shard base lights up. I decided then, some better lighting would spice things up a bit. A trip to IKEA and some double sided […]