Category: 3D Printing

Surface mount spacers

Well well well… The Sonoff TX switches where doing what they should do but another issue cropped up.
As i said in my last post my old light switches are of the surface mount kind. The wall socket or whatever it’s called was not the right size for the new screwholes.

Sensors, Sensors everywhere

It’s been a while since the last update, so I really need to get this update out there before I fall into the trap of not maintaining this website for 2 years again.
Luckily I have not been sitting idle the last months and have been making good progress on my Home Assistant installation (after needing to restart 5 times due to corrupt SD cards, dammit).
Nonetheless, I now have 3 ESPEasy powered sensor boxes.

My 3D Printer setup

TL;DR Since last time I updated this blog (ie: a long time ago) I’ve bought and returned a Monoprice Maker Select Mini 3D printer, got a Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus, build an enclosure with IKEA furniture and started printing all sorts of stuff! Interested?